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                                       The believers are going to observe the death anniversary of Master, the Sultan of the Awliya' of Allah, al-Ghawth al-A'zam Shaikh Muhyi'din Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasani, al-Husaini (May Allah perfume his resting place). He is considered as a most venerable personality by the Muslim community after the Messenger (Peace and Blessing of Allah upon him), his Companions and the four Imams of Islamic Jurisprudence. In fact, to celebrate the birthday of pious people or observe their death anniversary is an inevitable part of showing our veneration to them.


Auliya (awlia) is an Arabic word usually translated as friend, helper, supporter or protector. It's often used to designate the status of a saint. The Auliya of Allah are those people who reached on the pinnacle of nobility with their self scarification, self control and well protected life style. The entrustment of the prophets for propagating Islam faced the end by the arrival of last Messenger. Accordingly, after the prophets, the Au'liya undertook the responsibility of protecting the religion Islam. Carrying out their mission without any fault, they are striving every nerve to keep the halo of Islam sparkled. Read more

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani

                                       Quthubul Aqthab Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jeelani bin Abu Salih Moosa Jangidost the Persian is an unequalled and unrivalled preacher, and the founder of the Qadiri sufi order. His great and unequal contribution to Islam and Muslims earned him the title Muhiyiddin ("The reviver of the faith"), as he along with his students and associates laid the groundwork for the revival of Islam. His sufi order named after him is generally thought to be the oldest and first of such orders. He was born in late Sha'aban or early Ramadan on 1077 A.D. (470 A.H.) in 'Niff' a small town of Iranian Province of Geelan. Due to the Persian "G" does not exist in Literary Arabic, Geelani has also been recorded as Keelani and Jeelani in Arabic manuscripts. Jeelan is a district of the state 'Thabristhan', situating in the west of Tahran the capital of modern Iran and this province is situated in the Caspian Sea shore. Read more

The vision of Jeelani

                                       The holy birth of sheik Abdul Qadir Jeelani took place while the Muslim community confronted with more crises. During the age, Assassin, the fanatics, were massacring their counter part in the name of religion. In other hand, the Christians wrecked havoc on community.  Consequently, most of believers lost their lives.  Understanding the pathetic condition of Muslim community, the Sheik came to the front. Through the spiritual guidance from the great pious and his Usthad Sheik Ahmed (May Allah Mercy upon him), he indulged in purifying his own soul. Through the harder spiritual experiment he possessed the mysterious knowledge (Ilmul Gaib) and thus he became the renaissance leader of Muslim community. A number of believers rushed to his presence to quench their spiritual thirst. His charismatic personality and the ability in inspiring speech help him to heap up the students. It was on his 51st ages that he entered in matrimonial life. Read more

  Read more  
bullet Sheik Jeelani: life and message  
bullet The last moments of Sheikh Jeelani  
bullet The Sheikh's Names and Titles  
bullet A Door to Spiritual Vision