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The tree garden of Paradise (Jannathul Baqi')

  img_article This is the principal cemetery of Al-Madina Al-Munawwara. Rasulullah (Peace be upon him) changed its old name 'Baqi'a Al-Gharqad' to Jannathul Baqi', the tree garden of Pardaise. It is located opposite the southeastern section of the wall of the Masjid al Nabawi. Recently, some contiguous property was added to it, to increase the land area available for burials. An imposing new, high marble clad wall has been erected around the entire perimeter of the Baqi', so that the old and new areas have been united. Its total area presently amounts to fifty-six thousand square meters. The Baqi' contains the mortal remains of thousands upon thousands of Muslims.  
This cemetery has been the final resting place of the residents of Madina, as well as those of nearby, neighboring areas and of visitors since the time of Hijrah. It was the preferred final resting place of the Noble Companions of Rasulullah. (Allah be pleased with them). This is evidenced by the fact that about ten thousand of the Noble Sahabah (R), are buried within. The first companion buried in al-Baqi was Uthman bin Madhoon (R) who died on the 3rd of Sha'ban in the 3rd year of Hijrah. Among the notable Muslims interred therein are the Mothers of the Believers (the wives of the Prophet), with the exclusion of Khadijah (R) and Maimunah (R). His daughters, his son Ibrahim (R) who died in infancy and over whom the Prophet (saw) wept bitterly, his uncle 'Abbaas, (R), his aunt Safiyah (R) and his grandson Hassan bin 'Ali (R), the third caliph Uthman bin 'affan (R) and the great Muslim scholars like Malik bin Anas (R). There are many, many other respected Muslims from throughout the history of Islam buried here who are too numerous to mention.

Several traditions of the Prophet mention that visiting the Baqi' is both virtuous and meritorious. The Prophet (saw) visited it at the end of the night and prayed for those who were buried there, by saying "Peace be upon you, Oh Believers, I grant you my pledge that tomorrow truly we will be lofty and worthy, Allah willing. Oh Lord, forgive the residents of Baqi' Al-Gharqad". Thus, it is desirable, preferable and recommended to visit the Baqi' and supplicate Allah for those buried in its noble earth. Further, it is in compliance with and adhering to the Sunnah of our Beloved Rasulullah (Peace be upon him).

bullet The benefits of Hajj  
bullet The conditions of Hajj and Umrah  
bullet Etiquette and types of Ihram.  
bullet The places of Ihram (Miqath).  
bullet Circumambulation around the Ka'aba (Thawaf).  
bullet Walking in between Safa and Marwa (Sa'e).  
bullet Staying at Arafath and Muzdalifa.  
bullet Stoning Jimar and Staying Mina.  
bullet Women and Menstruation during Hajj  
bullet Visiting Madina Munawwara  
bullet The significance of Madina Munawwara  
bullet Al Masjid al - Nabawi  
bullet The most virtous Visiting Centers in holy Madina